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Maryland’s Finest Fireplace Showroom

Visit Our Showroom And See The Possibilities

As Columbia, MD’s signature fireplace showroom, we offer comprehensive home improvements at great prices. We carry a large assortment of both wood- and pellet-burning fireplaces and inserts. Unsure of what stove or fireplace to choose? We can help! We’ll listen to your needs and offer great models that will work for years to come. Heating your home with a stylish stove or fireplace is easy when you use Day or Night Home & Hearth.

Contact Us

7035 Kit Kat Road
Elkridge, MD 21075


Largest Showroom In Maryland
We are proud to offer a large showroom featuring many fireplaces and stoves to help you to select the best pieces for your home. Stop by today to see it for yourself and speak with one of our many experts!


Showroom Hours:

Monday – Thursday: 9am-4:30pm

Friday – Saturday: 9am-2pm

Sunday: Closed

Day or Night Home & Hearth Service, Kit Kat Road, Elkridge, MD, USA

Request a Quote