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Fall Warehouse Sale: October 12th – 19th

Save big on fireplace inserts and accessories during our fall sale!
Savings up to 50% on this season’s hottest units. Don’t miss out!

We Are Fireplace Experts

Specializing in fireplace & stove design, installation, and service.

Day or Night Home & Hearth Services

If you are looking for a reliable company to handle your home and hearth, it is time that you called Day or Night. From plumbing repair services to fireplace installations, we offer all of the services that you could ever need!

When you choose Day or Night Home & Hearth for your fireplace or plumbing needs, you also benefit from a selection of powerful guarantees which will ensure the best value and experience for you and your home. Learn more about the guarantees we offer with every home service.

Home Is Where The Hearth Is

Day or Night is proud to offer the largest fireplace and fireplace inserts showroom in Maryland—giving you an opportunity to view more than 80 different units! Our staff members are friendly and knowledgeable about all of our products. We offer professional fireplace installation as well as gas stove installations. We specialize in gas pipe and gas pipe conversions, meaning that we can help if you do not have gas to your home! We will handle all necessary certifications and licenses on your behalf.

When You Want To Do Things Right, Give Us A Call!

Our team of professional technicians can do it all. We believe that nothing is more important than our customers, and therefore we keep them at the heart of everything that we do. We offer our clients a 90 day money back guarantee. If you allow us to design and install your unit and are dissatisfied with its performance, we will remove the unit and refund your money!

Contact Us Today

7035 Kit Kat Road
Elkridge, MD 21075



Hours of Operation
Monday – Thursday: 9:00am – 4:30pm
Friday – Saturday: 9:00am – 2:00pm
Sunday: Closed